Package: baizer 0.8.1

baizer: Useful Functions for Data Processing

In ancient Chinese mythology, Bai Ze is a divine creature that knows the needs of everything. 'baizer' provides data processing functions frequently used by the author. Hope this package also knows what you want!

Authors:William Song [aut, cre]

baizer.pdf |baizer.html
baizer/json (API)

# Install 'baizer' in R:
install.packages('baizer', repos = c('', ''))

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3.95 score 6 stars 1 packages 4 scripts 339 downloads 110 exports 79 dependencies

Last updated 1 years agofrom:6a20b06b09. Checks:7 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKJan 20 2025
R-4.5-winOKJan 20 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKJan 20 2025
R-4.4-winOKJan 20 2025
R-4.4-macOKJan 20 2025
R-4.3-winOKJan 20 2025
R-4.3-macOKJan 20 2025>%%eq%%neq%%nin%adjacent_divalias_argas_labelas_md_tableas_nameas_tibble_mdatomic_exprbroadcast_vectorc2rcheck_argcmdargscollapse_vectorcombn_vectorcorrect_ratiocross_countdetect_dupdiff_indexdiff_tbdx_tbempty_dirempty_fileenquoenquosexist_matrixexpr_pileupextract_kvfancy_countfetch_charfilterCfix_to_regexfloat_to_percentfps_vectorfull_expandgen_chargen_combngen_outliergen_strgen_tbgenerate_ticksgeom_meangroup_vectorhist_binsinner_expandint_digitsis.zeroleft_expandlist2dfmax_depthmelt_vectormm_normmove_rownear_ticksnearest_ticknot.nanot.nullnumber_fun_wrapperordered_slicepercent_to_floatpileup_logicalpkginfopkglibpkgverpos_int_splitr2cread_excelread_excel_listread_fmmdref_levelreg_joinreg_matchremove_monocolremove_nacolremove_narowremove_outliersreplace_itemrewrite_narng2seqround_stringroxygen_fmtsame_indexseriate_dfsftp_connectsftp_downloadsftp_lssignif_ceilingsignif_floorsignif_round_stringsignif_stringslice_charsortfsplit_columnsplit_pathsplit_vectorstat_fcstat_phistat_teststr_replace_locswap_vecnametbflttdftop_itemuniquniq_in_colswrite_excel


Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
equal calculation operator, support NA%eq%
not equal calculation operator, support NA%neq%
not in calculation operator%nin%
expand a number vector according to the adjacent two numbersadjacent_div
use aliases for function argumentsalias_arg
trans a tibble into markdown format tableas_md_table
trans a table in markdown format into tibbleas_tibble_md
whether the expression is an atomic oneatomic_expr
broadcast the vector into length nbroadcast_vector
wrapper of tibble::column_to_rownamesc2r
check arguments by custom functioncheck_arg
get the command line argumentscmdargs
dump a named vector into charactercollapse_vector
combine multiple vectors into onecombn_vector
correct the numbers to a target ratiocorrect_ratio
count two columns as a cross-tabulation tablecross_count
detect possible duplication in a vector, ignore case, blank and special characterdetect_dup
the index of different characterdiff_index
differences between two tibblesdiff_tb
diagnosis a tibble for character NA, NULL, all T/F column, blank in celldx_tb
detect whether directory is empty recursivelyempty_dir
detect whether file is empty recursivelyempty_file
generate a matrix to show whether the item in each element of a listexist_matrix
pileup the subexpressions which is atomicexpr_pileup
extract key and values for a character vectorextract_kv
fancy count to show an extended columnfancy_count
fetch character from stringsfetch_char
apply tbflt on dplyr filterfilterC
trans fixed string into regular expression stringfix_to_regex
from float number to percent numberfloat_to_percent
farthest point sampling (FPS) for a vectorfps_vector
like 'dplyr::full_join' while ignore the same columns in right tibblefull_expand
generate charactersgen_char
generate all combinationsgen_combn
generate outliers from a series of numbergen_outlier
generate stringsgen_str
generate tibblesgen_tb
generate ticks for a number vectorgenerate_ticks
geometric meangeom_mean
group character vector by a regex patterngroup_vector
separate numeric x into binshist_bins
like 'dplyr::inner_join' while ignore the same columns in right tibbleinner_expand
trans numbers to a fixed integer digit lengthint_digits
if a number only have
like 'dplyr::left_join' while ignore the same columns in right tibbleleft_expand
trans list into data.framelist2df
max depth of a listmax_depth
melt a vector into single valuemelt_vector
Minimal tibble dataset adjusted from diamondmini_diamond
max-min normalizationmm_norm
move selected rows to target locationmove_row
the ticks near a numbernear_ticks
the nearest ticks around a numbernearest_tick
not NULLnot.null
wrapper of the functions to process number string with prefix and suffixnumber_fun_wrapper
slice a tibble by an ordered vectorordered_slice
from percent number to float numberpercent_to_float
pileup another logical vector on the TRUE values of first vectorpileup_logical
information of packagespkginfo
load packages as a batchpkglib
versions of packagespkgver
split a positive integer number as a number vectorpos_int_split
wrapper of tibble::rownames_to_columnr2c
read excel fileread_excel
read multi-sheet excel file as a list of tibblesread_excel_list
read front matter markdownread_fmmd
relevel a target column by another reference columnref_level
join the matched parts into stringreg_join
regex matchreg_match
remove columns by the ratio of an identical single value (NA supported)remove_monocol
remove columns by the ratio of NAremove_nacol
remove rows by the ratio of NAremove_narow
remove outliers and NAremove_outliers
replace the items of one object by anotherreplace_item
rewrite the NA values in a tibble by another tibblerewrite_na
trans range character into seq charactersrng2seq
from float number to fixed digits characterround_string
add #' into each line of codes for roxygen examplesroxygen_fmt
the index of identical charactersame_index
dataframe rows seriation, which will reorder the rows in a better patternseriate_df
connection parameters to remote server via sftpsftp_connect
download file from remote server via sftpsftp_download
list files from remote server via sftpsftp_ls
signif while use ceilingsignif_ceiling
signif while use floorsignif_floor
signif or round string depend on the character lengthsignif_round_string
from float number to fixed significant digits charactersignif_string
slice character vectorslice_char
sort by a functionsortf
split a column and return a longer tibblesplit_column
split a path into ancestor paths recursivelysplit_path
split vector into listsplit_vector
fold change calculation which returns a extensible tibblestat_fc
calculate phi coefficient of two binary variablesstat_phi
statistical test which returns a extensible tibblestat_test
replace specific characters in a string by their locationsstr_replace_loc
swap the names and values of a vectorswap_vecname
create a tbflt object to save filter conditionstbflt
transpose a dataframetdf
return top n items with highest frequencytop_item
only keep unique vector values and its namesuniq
count unique values in each columnuniq_in_cols
write a tibble into an excel filewrite_excel